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Cubs Fixed Term Deposit - Small boy eating vegemite toast at the table.

Cubs Fixed Term Deposit

Get the kids saving smarter with a Cubs Fixed Term Deposit. Start with as little as $500 for a 3-month term.

Apply now

Key features

  • No service fee

  • Interest paid on maturity

  • 3-month term

  • Competitive fixed rate

  • Cubs Fixed Term Deposit for kids under 12

Fees and requirements

  • Minimum starting balance $500

  • Available to Coastline Cubs members only


  • $500 to $10,000+ 1



    p.a. 3 month interest rate*

Questions about our Cubs Fixed Term Deposit? Contact us, we’re happy to help.

Important Information

*Rates quoted apply to individual deposits only. Interest rates shown are per annum (p.a.).

1Maximum investment amount is $10,000. Any investments above $10,000 will need to be placed on another one of Coastline’s carded Term Deposit accounts.
Cubs Fixed Term Deposit is available to Cubs account holders only.

Early redemption of Cubs Fixed Term Deposits is entirely Coastline’s discretion and will incur penalty interest of 1.00% p.a. (penalty interest rate is subject to change without notice)

Conditions of use | Schedule of fees and charges | Financial services guide | Summary of accounts | Deposit interest rate sheet | Target market determination

Helpful Guides

Here to help

  • Starting your child’s savings journey early can set them up for a bright financial future. Term deposits, like Coastline's Cubs and Kickstart, are a fantastic way for young savers to start maximising their money with little effort. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of opening a term deposit early, from the power of compound interest to instilling healthy financial habits. We’ll show you how opening a term deposit can pave the road to financial success!

    Learn more
  • Teaching kids and teens the value of saving money can be both fun and rewarding. In this article, we’ll explore ten enjoyable ways to encourage saving in kids and teens, from setting up savings challenges to introducing the Cubs & Kickstart term deposit. Let’s turn saving into an exciting adventure that empowers the next generation to achieve their financial dreams!

    Learn more

Budgeting & savings calculators

  • Budget planner calculator

    Manage your money effortlessly by tracking your income and expenses.

  • Savings calculator

    Create a savings plan and get started on your goals today.


  • Our Cubs Fixed Term Deposit is a fixed rate term deposit account designed specifically for young savers. Kids can open an account and watch their savings grow with as little as $500.

  • This fixed term deposit account helps young savers learn about the benefits of earning interest, developing financial literacy and encouraging responsible money management.

  • Interest is calculated on your deposit amount and is paid at the end of your term. The rate is fixed for the duration of your term, so you’ll know exactly how much interest you’ll earn.

  • At the end of the term, you can choose to:

    • transfer your deposit amount and earned interest to your nominated account.
    • Reinvest your money in another term deposit.
  • Early withdrawal is generally not allowed without incurring a penalty. It’s better to consider your financial situation and short and long-term goals when choosing a term.

    If you need to withdraw your term deposit funds due to unexpected financial stress, contact us, and we’ll talk to you about your options.

More kids accounts

General advice warning

This advice has been prepared without taking your objectives, financial situation, or needs into account. Before acting on this advice, you should consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances. For more details, access the relevant Product Disclosure Statements, Target Market Determinations or Financial Services Guides under 'Important information' on our product pages.

All loan applications are subject to credit approval. Interest rates may vary, and fees and charges could apply.